Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
V for Vendetta

So I saw V this weekend, and I must say that it did live up to the hype. I'm really happy when there is a lot of criticism about a movie and its actually good. An especially harsh one came from the Village Voice, saying that the film was "tasteless". I whole-heartedly disagree, and think that this is exactly type of film that needs to be made; as we see our civil liberties disintegrating through our fingers. I think that it really takes guts to make a film that a lot of people might hate, but I say well done.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006
Soceity of Illustrators
Well, friday night I come home to find my wife Kelly beaming at me. She wouldn't say why, but simply played a message that was on our answering machine. Low and behold it was my Illustration professor saying that I got one of my illustrations into the Society of Illustrators. A lot of people outside of the illustration/art circle don't really know what a big deal it is, but for me it's definietely a sweet, sweet thing. I mean it's a national competition for the biggest and best know illustration organization in the country. So yeah, I'm definietey pretty stoked about the whold thing. As we speak my piece is probably enroute to New York, where it will be coddled, massaged, printed in their annual publication, and hung in their gallery. So I will be posting the picture in my next entry, for anyone who wants to see. Yeah Bitches!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
KCAD Illustration
For anyone who is interested or whatever, I am now a part of the KCAD illustration blog as well (there's a link on the side bar). KCAD being Kendall College of Art and Design-the school I am attending. Hopefully once I get some artwork up on both blogs, I can get some feedback from everyone. I guess I'm kind of shy about showing my work, but if I'm the only one seeing it I guess that's not really going to get me anywhere.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Tattoo U
Thanks for the idea Cynic. I guess I want a tattoo that has personal meaning to me, because after all, it is permanent. So your question raises an interesting dilema; I don't know what to get because I don't really have a "reason" yet, and part of not having a reason is not know what I would want permanently inked on my body. I do know this though, there will be no satanic symbols, no roses with skull, maybe a mermaind or two, but absolutely under no circumstances will there be Looney Toons characters on my body. I'll probably draw up my own design, and since I'm moving to L.A. it would be cool to get it done at one of the better known shops out there. Perhaps a portrait of Rosanne Barr would do nicely??
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Virgin Blogger
Well, this is it. The beginning of it all: my random ramblings, comments and complaints about stupid shit, getting feedback on my art, hopefully meeting some cool people with interesting things to talk about. Ok, what do I do??